Please feel free to use the mashup, I created as a model as you finish yours. Please keep in mind that the example mashup does not have all of the components in it that are required for your assignment. Please take a look at the syllabus for more information. If the social bookmarking web site you used in class does not include a way to display your bookmarks on your mashup feel free to display my bookmarks on your mashup. You can do this by copying and pasting the following html code:
<script type=”text/javascript” src=””>
If you have an account with delicious here is how you can display your bookmarks on your mashup.
- Log into delicious
- select the settings link in the upper right hand corner
- under the Blogging heading select the tag rolls link
- copy and paste the html code that appears in the text frame
In addition to creating your mashup you also need to add an additional item tag to your RSS Feed that directs people to your mashup. Here is an example of the XML that, I would need to add to my RSS feed to direct people to my mashup.
<description>This is one of the assignments that I created for S603 Emerging Technologies and liberties.</description>
This code will need to placed directly between the closed </item> and closed </channel> tags of your RSS Feed.
Here is what my complete RSS Feed would look like with two items:
<?xml version=”1.0″ ?>
<rss version=”2.0″ xmlns:atom=””>
<atom:link href=”” rel=”self” type=”application/rss+xml” />
<title>Patrick Patterson</title>
<description>My personal website</description>
<description>Patricks Resume</description>
<description>This is one of the assignments that I created for S603 Emerging Technologies and liberties.</description>