Library Technology Conference

How to create a Mashup Using Google Maps

  1. Introduction
    1. Who am I
    2. Workshop Creation
    3. Knowledge
    4. Goals
    5. IU Foundation Examples
      1. Telefund Directions –
      2. Your IU Stories –
  2. Overview
    1. Look at example of what we will be creating today
    2. Discuss Articles
      1. Cho, A. (2007). An introduction to mashups for health librarians. JCHLA/JABSC 28(1), 19-22. Retrieved December 6, 2008, from
      1. Vandenburg, M. (2007). Using Google Maps as an interface for the library catalog. Library Hi Tech 26(1), 33-40. doi: 10.1108/07378830810857780. Retrieved February 26, 2009, from;jsessionid=A101DE51CDF4C67EF324378980CDEE93?contentType=Article&contentId=1714920
  3. Mashup Introduction
    1. What is a Mashup?
      1. Comes from music –
    2. HEALTHmap overview
    3. Briefly explore the following web sites
      1. Gov Track
      2. EveryBlock Chicago
      3. Find Pollution
  4. Google Map Creation
    1. Look at examples
      1. maps that I have created
      2. Housing Maps
    2. Tour of Google Maps Interface
      1. show how to add a point
      2. draw a line
      3. add an image
      4. create a map together
    3. Sharing/Embedding map
      1. look at a basic HTML document and save it to computer
      2. look at grabbing and embedding code into the HTML document
  5. How to make your own Mashup
  6. Create a Mashup
    1. We will be using accounts that you have already created on social networking sites – Gather Account Information
      1. Examples:
        1. Social Bookmaking – Delicious, Netvouz etc.
        2. Social Communication – Meebo, Zoho, Twitter etc.
        3. Shared Documents- Google Docs, Zoho etc.
    2. Process of adding items to the HTML page we created
      1. How to add Delicious bookmarks to page
        1. Go to Delicious
        2. Log into account
        3. Select settings from the upper right hand corner
        4. Under Blogging heading select ‘Link Rolls’
        5. Select embed code and copy it
        6. Paste embed code it into your HTML document

To continue further learning more about creating customized maps take a look at the Google Static Maps API web page for information on how to edit the variables that is used to display your map.

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